Role of Platelet-rich fibrin in non-surgical treatment of periodontal pockets

Document Type : Case Report


1 Department of oral medicine,periodontology, oral diagnosis and oral radiology Faculty of dental medicine, boys, cairo, alazhr university

2 Department of oral medicine, periodontology, radiology and diagnosis Faculty of dental medicine boys cairo alazhr university

3 Department of Oral Medicine, Periodontology, Diagnosis and Oral Radiology Faculty of Dental Medicine, Boys, Cairo, Al-Azhar University


Objective: The present study was performed to evaluate clinically the effect of iPRF in non-surgical treatment of periodontal pockets.
Subjects and method: Fourteen patients with moderate periodontitis received scaling, root planning (SRP) and oral hygiene regimen. Treatment was received based on split mouth technique, in which each patient were have one side that was treated with SRP only (control group) and the other side was treated with SRP and PRF application (iPRF group).
Results: Both therapeutic modalities could result in statistically significant improvement of all explored clinical parameters. Control and iPRF groups showed a statistically significant decrease in mean PD and CAL measurements at 1 months followed by an increase at 3 months which was accompanied by an increase in PI and GI then a statistically non-significant change at PD and CAL after 6 months despite the decrease in PI and GI.
Conclusions: Injection of iPRF with SRP may have a positive effect, comparable clinically to SRP alone, in minimizing PD and CAL of periodontal pockets.
Key words: Platelet rich fibrin, iPRF, and Periodontal regeneration.


Main Subjects

Volume 27, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
April - Oral Medicine & Surgical Sciences Issue (Oral Medicine, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Biology)
April 2024
Pages 225-231